[09 Oktober 2024] Webinar Exploring the Effect of Frass-based Amendments on Shallot Yield and Rhizobiome: A Comparative Study
![[09 Oktober 2024] Webinar Exploring the Effect of Frass-based Amendments on Shallot Yield and Rhizobiome: A Comparative Study](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202410/image_870x_670281fb5ead5.jpg)
Pusat Riset Mikrobiologi Terapan - BRIN mengundang Kawan BRIN semuanya untuk mengikuti acara Webinar Series #41 dengan
Exploring the Effect of Frass-based Amendments on Shallot Yield and Rhizobiome: A Comparative Study
Narasumber: Maulana Malik Nashrulloh, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral di Pusat Riset Mikrobiologi Terapan BRIN
Moderator: Dr.rer.nat. Zahra Noviana, M.Si.
Peneliti di Pusat Riset Mikrobiologi Terapan BRIN
Sambutan Kepala Pusat Riset Mikrobiologi Terapan BRIN: Dr. Ahmad Fathoni, M.Eng.
Waktu: Rabu, 09 Oktober 2024
Pukul: 09.00 WIB- selesai
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