[11 November 2024] Guest Lecture Pioneering Innovations from Research on Plasmonics and Magnetics Leading to Prototyping and Industrial Applications

Nov 11, 2024 - 03:15
Nov 12, 2024 - 20:46
 0  16
[11 November 2024] Guest Lecture Pioneering Innovations from Research on Plasmonics and Magnetics Leading to Prototyping and Industrial Applications

Pusat Penelitian Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi (PPNN) ITB akan menyelenggarakan Guest Lecture dengan tema
Pioneering Innovations from Research on Plasmonics and Magnetics Leading to Prototyping and Industrial Applications

Kegiatan ini akan menghadirkan guest speaker yang diundang khusus untuk kegiatan RI3P PPNN, yaitu Dr. Conrad Rizal, Ph.D., dari Seed Nanotech International Inc., Kanada, dipandu oleh moderator yaitu Bapak Isa Anshori, Ph.D.

Hari, Tanggal: Senin, 11 November 2024
Waktu: 9.00 - 11.00 WIB
Tempat: Amphiteater DPITM, Gd. CRIMSE (ex-PAU), Lt.1, ITB

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