[17 Oktober 2024] Webinar How to write great papers and get published: Advice from editors of international journal of plant sciences
![[17 Oktober 2024] Webinar How to write great papers and get published: Advice from editors of international journal of plant sciences](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202410/image_870x_670fa0858b36e.jpg)
How to write great papers and get published: Advice from editors of international journal of plant sciences
Pembicara : :
1. Christine M. (Chris) Caruso
2. James Ellis, dan
3. Juliana S. Medeiros
SOS akan diselenggarakan pada
hari Kamis, 17 Oktober 2024
Pukul 09.00 WIB,
Meeting ID: 960 2797 9347
Passcode: 146164
dan live di YouTube PRBiosistematikaEvolusi
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