[18 September 2022] Optimizing the Role of Youth in Scientific Research Innovation to Support the Achievement SDGs
![[18 September 2022] Optimizing the Role of Youth in Scientific Research Innovation to Support the Achievement SDGs](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202209/image_750x_631f08456ce12.jpg)
EXPO 16.0 KPM UNJ Proudly Present:
✨ *SKILL 2022* ✨
```(Seminar Keilmiahan dan Hasil Penelitian)```
Dengan Tema:
"Optimizing the Role of Youth in Scientific Research Innovation to Support the Achievement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)"
Keynote Speaker
Raden Arthur Ario Lelono, PH.D
(Pbt. Direktur Manajemen Talenta BRIN)
Dr. Nur Abdillah Siddiq, S.T
(Founder Warstek)
Dr. K.Dianta Sebayang, M.E
(Ketua Pusat Inovasi dan Inkubator Bisnis LPPM UNJ)
Agustiani Putri, D.Pd
(Awardee PMDSU Scholarship)
(Mahasiswa Berprestasi Utama UNJ 2018)
Rahma Rosaliana Saraswati, S.Pd
(Peraih Medali Emas PIMNAS 34)
(Mahasiswa Berprestasi 2 FMIPA UNJ 2020)
Acara ini akan dilaksanakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal: Minggu, 18 September 2022
Waktu: 08.30 - selesai
Tempat:Zoom Could Meeting
1. Ilmu yang bermanfaat
2. Relasi
3. E-Sertifikat
4. Doorprize
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Untuk informasi selengkapnya dapat menghubungi kontak berikut:
Muhamad Athariq
Chika Shafa Maura
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