[22 November 2022] 7th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET) 2022

May 30, 2022 - 09:34
Nov 21, 2022 - 22:20
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[22 November 2022] 7th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET) 2022


With our great pleasure, we announce the 2022 7th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology which is organized by Brawijaya University will be held in in Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia on November 22, 2022.

All accepted papers will be published by ACM and indexed by SCOPUS.
SIET 2022 will be a hybrid conference that will run fully in-person for keynote speakers and fully virtually for other participants and presenters.


The International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET) is held to bring together academia, researchers, business entrepreneurs, practitioners, and policymakers who are responsible for applying information engineering and technology by leveraging intelligent computing to create and enabling a smart environment. Nowadays, the advancement of technologies, coupled with software-based services, has made the possibility of human-environment engagement and interaction more seamless. Since humans have different conditions and different ways to engage and interact with their immediate surroundings, various aspects from sensing technology to computer processing techniques are required for a smart environment.

The theme for SIET 2022 will be "Embracing digital transformation in the post-pandemic era: challenges, applications, and opportunities"

Authors are invited to submit the full paper in English through EDAS. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a review process for acceptance decision. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to give an oral presentation at the conference and the manuscript will be published in the conference proceeding.

The Workflow and Templates

Please be aware that ACM has introduced a new ACM Primary Article Templates and Publication Workflow. Starting March 1, 2020, all ICPS events are required to use the new workflow: https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow. The Primary article templates and workflow are to be used in conjunction with the ACM e-Rights System and the ACM CCS 2012 Author Support Tool found in the ACM Digital Library.

STEP 1 (Microsoft Word): Write your paper using the Submission Template (Review Submission Format). Follow the embedded instructions to apply the paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in single-column format at this stage and no additional formatting is required at this point.

STEP 1 (LaTeX): Please use the latest version of the Primary Article Template - LaTeX (1.84; published April 13, 2022) to create your article submission. Use the “manuscript” call to create a single column format. Please review the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide should you have any questions.

STEP 2: Submit your paper for review.

STEP 3 (Microsoft Word): Upon acceptance, you will receive an email notification to download the ACM Primary Article Template - Microsoft Word. Please choose the correct template version based on your platform: [MAC 2011MAC 2016, or Windows] and save the .zip file to your local machine. Open the zip file and save the template file to your machine and then follow these instructions to attach the ACM ArticleTemplate to your accepted submission version and prepare your paper (still in single-column format) for validation.

STEP 3 (LaTeX): Proceed to step four.

STEP 4: Authors need to supply the Camera Ready (finalized) source file set to the vendor's content/production management system.

a. For conferences using vendor managed productions services: Authors need to supply your Camera Ready (finalized) source file set to the vendor's content/production management system

b. For conferences who are managing production themselves: Authors will receive an email notification with instructions to upload your Camera Ready (finalized) source file set to The ACM Publishing System (TAPS). Please make sure that you and your authors approve [email protected] in their email setttings to ensure that all messages from TAPS are received. Download these instructions for the information on how to use TAPS. TAPS will process your paper and auto-generate proofs of your article for your review.*

*Final review and approval of your paper rests with the Editor (Production Chair / Program Editor / Production Vendor). Journal papers will be copyedited and an additional set up proofs sent for author review.

The output formats (the traditional PDF proof and a new HTML version) provide enhanced accessibility, responsive formatting, and reusable components (i.e., extractable math) within the HTML output.

Note: While you may need to make corrections to the output in TAPS, you MUST revise the file which was uploaded to TAPS. This means you may not reupload new versions from your locally kept source files.

For more detail, please refer to this page.

Submission Here

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Deadline July 4, 2022

Notification of Acceptance September 18, 2022

Paper Clinic October 9, 2022

Camera Ready Paper Submission October 16, 2022

Early bird Registration Deadline October 14, 2022

Regular Registration Deadline October 31, 2022

SIET 2022 Main Event November 22, 2022

All times and date are in GMT +7.

We're happy to answer any questions.

Hurriyatul Fitriyah, S.T., M.Sc.

[email protected]

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