[20 November 2024] WEBINAR SMART AQUACULTURE 101: Innovative Approaches and Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture Development

Nov 18, 2024 - 06:47
Dec 16, 2024 - 15:04
 0  35
[20 November 2024] WEBINAR SMART AQUACULTURE 101: Innovative Approaches and Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture Development

Organisasi Riset Kebumian dan Maritim (ORKM) akan menyelenggarakan WEBINAR SMART AQUACULTURE 101 topik: 
Innovative Approaches and Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture Development

Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada:
Selasa, 20 November 2024
pukul 10.00 WIB - selesai

Akses Webinar (zoom)
Meeting ID: 966 4014 7399
Passcode : LOMBOK

Live di kanal youtube BRIN Indonesia

Opening Remarks
Dr. rer. nat. Fachrurrozi, M.Si
Kepala Pusat Riset Bioindustri Laut dan Darat - BRIN

Dr. Dini Fronitasari, S.T., M.T., IPM
Perekayasa Ahli Madya
Pusat Riset Bioindustri Laut dan Darat - BRIN
“Water Quality Monitoring System with IoT and SCADA in BILD Laboratory”

Dr. Moh Awaludin Adam
Peneliti Ahli Madya
Pusat Riset Bioindustri Laut dan Darat - BRIN - BRIN
“The Role of Bivalve Mollusks in Environmental Remediation for Aquaculture”

Dr. Hasriani Ayu
Post Doctoral
Pusat Riset Bioindustri Laut dan Darat - BRIN
“Evaluating the Potential of Seaweed Farming for Eutrophication Mitigation in South Sulawesi, Indonesia Using Remote Sensing Data”

Dr. Dasep Hasbullah
Perekayasa Ahli Madya
Pusat Riset Bioindustri Laut dan Darat - BRIN
“The Potential of Seaweed Cultivation for Halal and Healthy Food Product Development”

Dr. Zaenal Arifin Siregar ST MT
Peneliti ahli muda Pusat Riset Bioindustri Laut dan Darat - BRIN

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