[23-24, 28-30 November 2022] Isolation and Purification of Natural Products Workshop "From basic to advanced and from lab to industrial scale"

Oct 30, 2022 - 16:43
Oct 31, 2022 - 21:28
 0  189
[23-24, 28-30 November 2022] Isolation and Purification of Natural Products Workshop  "From basic to advanced and from lab to industrial scale"

Dear Colleague, 

We are happy to invite you to join our upcoming event.

Markherb and PUI-PT Nutraceutical ITB proudly present

Isolation and Purification of Natural Products Workshop

"From basic to advanced and from lab to industrial scale"

Tanggal: 23-24 November 2022 (Online course) & 28-30 November 2022 (Offline hands-on session)

Pukul: 08.00-16.00 WIB

Tempat: Bandung - West Java, Indonesia


1. Prof. Dr. apt. Elfahmi

(Introduction to natural product isolation) 

2. Dr. rer.nat. Agus Chahyadi

(Principle and techniques in extraction)

3. Andi Rifky Rosandy, Ph.D

(Techniques & strategies in fractionation and purification)

Topics of Hands-on session:

* Extraction (ultrasonic, microwave, PSE, etc.)

* Metabolites profiling (proper TLC technique)

* Enrichment/fractionation

* Isolation and purification (radial, flash, and preparative chromatography)


* Workshop kit

* Certificate

* Laboratory kit (only for hands-on participant)

* Lunch and coffee break (only for hands-on participant)

Link Registration:


Limited to 20 participants for a hands-on session

Students, academics, researchers, and professionals working in chemistry, biology, pharmaceutical science, food science, and related fields are highly encouraged to participate.

Contact person

Email: [email protected]

CP: wa.me/6281222801571 (Registration officer)

Let’s join and enjoy the event!!

Thank you,

PUI-PT Nutraceutical ITB

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rahmatbasuki A Chemistry Enthusiast