[23-24, 28-30 November 2022] Isolation and Purification of Natural Products Workshop "From basic to advanced and from lab to industrial scale"
![[23-24, 28-30 November 2022] Isolation and Purification of Natural Products Workshop "From basic to advanced and from lab to industrial scale"](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202210/image_750x_635e4720ad14c.jpg)
Dear Colleague,
We are happy to invite you to join our upcoming event.
Markherb and PUI-PT Nutraceutical ITB proudly present
Isolation and Purification of Natural Products Workshop
"From basic to advanced and from lab to industrial scale"
Tanggal: 23-24 November 2022 (Online course) & 28-30 November 2022 (Offline hands-on session)
Pukul: 08.00-16.00 WIB
Tempat: Bandung - West Java, Indonesia
1. Prof. Dr. apt. Elfahmi
(Introduction to natural product isolation)
2. Dr. rer.nat. Agus Chahyadi
(Principle and techniques in extraction)
3. Andi Rifky Rosandy, Ph.D
(Techniques & strategies in fractionation and purification)
Topics of Hands-on session:
* Extraction (ultrasonic, microwave, PSE, etc.)
* Metabolites profiling (proper TLC technique)
* Enrichment/fractionation
* Isolation and purification (radial, flash, and preparative chromatography)
* Workshop kit
* Certificate
* Laboratory kit (only for hands-on participant)
* Lunch and coffee break (only for hands-on participant)
Link Registration:
Limited to 20 participants for a hands-on session
Students, academics, researchers, and professionals working in chemistry, biology, pharmaceutical science, food science, and related fields are highly encouraged to participate.
Contact person
Email: [email protected]
CP: wa.me/6281222801571 (Registration officer)
Let’s join and enjoy the event!!
Thank you,
PUI-PT Nutraceutical ITB
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