[24-25 Agustus 2022] Virtual Conference on Natural Resources And Life Sciences 2022 | Universitas Surabaya

Aug 10, 2022 - 23:00
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[24-25 Agustus 2022] Virtual Conference on Natural Resources And Life Sciences 2022 | Universitas Surabaya

[Repost from Universitas Surabaya]

Virtual Conference on Natural Resources And Life Sciences 2022 | Biotechnology-Pharmacy-Driven Research and Product Development

Welcoming Remarks

Molecular biology has given a great impact in life science investigation. The advances in molecular biology over the last several decades have boosted research and product development in many disciplines of life science, including Biotechnolgy and Pharmacy. This advances comprise: (1) the progression of more sophisticated techniques in molecular biology with a broad, interdisciplinary applications; (2) the expanding flow of information of technical novelties and scientific discoveries across scientific community; and (3) the development of more sophisticated software and continuously updated databases. This has changed the rationale and approach of experimentations giving rise to revolutionizing discoveries in many fields od science. It has become evident that the deregulation of molecular processes in body is associated with, and in certain circumstances is the direct cause of, a wide range of pathological conditions. It is necessary to mention the biomedical relevance of molecular biology-related investigations for drug discovery and the development of a more personalized medicine. Given the rapidly changing and continuously evolving nature of the molecular biology field, we can anticipate that the revolutionary impact of molecular biology in life sciences is only at the beginning and is far from being finished.

To highlight the rapidly growing research and product development in the field of Biotechnolgy and Pharmacy, the 4th International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS)” themed Biotechnology- and pharmacy-driven research and product development is presented. Following the successful program of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd NRLS, we intend to hold the next two-day conference along with a one-day optional workshop in 4th NRLS, as a scientific forum for biotechnology and pharmacy researchers and product developers to discuss the recent advances in the fields and their application. It is a great pleasure to invite you to the forthcoming 4th NRLS Conference, which will be held virtually, on August 24th-25th 2022, and the following onsite workshop on August 26th, 2022.

Invited Speakers

  1. Chris Jones (School of Biological Sciences - Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, University of Reading, England)
  2. Garnpimol C. Ritthidej (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences– Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
  3. Grzegorz Pasternak (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
  4. Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum (Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany)
  5. Raymond R. Tjandrawinata (Dexa Laboratories of Biomolecular Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia)
  6. Tjie Kok, S.Si., M.Si., Apt., Ph.D. (Faculty of Biotechnology – University of Surabaya, Indonesia)
  7. Wouter Hinrichs (Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, Netherlands)


  1. Food Biotechnology
  2. Healthcare Biotechnology
  3. Plant Biotechnology
  4. Clean Energy and Environmental Sustainability
  5. Pharmaceutical Technology
  6. Clinical and Community Pharmacy
  7. Pharmacology and Toxicology


  1. Abstract Submission Deadline: 09 August 2022
  2. Notification of Acceptance: 10 August 2022
  3. Registration Deadline: 13 August 2022
  4. Fullpaper and Video Submission: 18 August 2022 (VIdeo) and 24 August 2022 (Fullpaper)
  5. International Conference: 24-25 August 2022


Please visit this link: bit/ly/NRLS2022

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