[24 Juni 2023] Climate Change Through the Lens of Environmental Anthropology
![[24 Juni 2023] Climate Change Through the Lens of Environmental Anthropology](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202306/image_870x_6484ebbd6427a.jpg)
PuSPIK (Pusat Studi Prubahan Iklim dan Kebencanaan) berkerjasama dengan CETS (Centre for Environmental Studies) dan Jurusan Studi Teknik Lingkungan UII (PSTL UII) #PSTLUII akan menyelenggarakan webinar dengan tema
Climate Change Through the Lens of Environmental Anthropology: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Nature
Adapun link untuk mengikuti acara tersebut:
Sabtu, 24 Juni 2023
08.15 s.d. 11.30 WIB
Link Regitrasi : https://bit.ly/RegistrasiWebinarAntrolingk2023
Nara sumber :
- Prof. Makoto TAMURA (College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Global and Local Environment Co-creation Institute (GLEC), Ibaraki University Japan)
- Dr. Agus Tri Hascaryo (Dosen FTSP UII, Renowned expert in Geology)*
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