[ 25 Oktober 2024 ] Webinar Where to publish your manuscript: increasing chance of acceptance in the target journal
![[ 25 Oktober 2024 ] Webinar Where to publish your manuscript: increasing chance of acceptance in the target journal](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202410/image_870x_6718390c0b24a.jpg)
Webinar Where to publish your manuscript: increasing chance of acceptance in the target journal
dengan beberapa topik pembahasan, antara lain:
► How and when to choose a target journal for scientific publication
► Do's and Dont's when choosing publication venue
► Case study and QnA
Mark your calendar :
Jumat, 25 Oktober 2024
Pukul 19.30 - 20.30 WIB
Kuota terbatas
Yuk segera daftar melalui link berikut [KLIK DISINI]
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