[ 25 September 2023] Enrich Yourself on Scientific and Business Intelligence to Become a Leader of Change
![[ 25 September 2023] Enrich Yourself on Scientific and Business Intelligence to Become a Leader of Change](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202309/image_870x_650dfc240257d.jpg)
Halo Sobat Mahasiswa! Innovator Festival tahun ini mengangkat tema "Golden Generation : Enrich Yourself on Scientific and Business Intelligence to Become a Leader of Change.
Bagi kamu yang ingin mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut mengenai dasar-dasar keilmiahan, informasi seputar beasiswa, dan Mahasiswa Berprestasi (MAWAPRES) segera daftarkan dirimu melalui link berikut :
Deadline pendaftaran : 25 September 2023‼️
Tunggu apalagi, segera daftarkan diri kalian
Contact Person
Lela (0822 1786 1946)
Brigyta (0822 4810 1878)
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