[28 March 2023] Industry Revolution 4.0 Workshop
![[28 March 2023] Industry Revolution 4.0 Workshop](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202303/image_750x_6421103fe226f.jpg)
The Revolution of Industry 4.0 is happening N9OW!
Industri yang terus berubah dan berkembang menuntutmu untuk terus mengimprove kemampuan diri.
Ikuti perubahan, atau kamu akan ketinggalan. Cari tau trend karir masa depan dan prospek karir dibutuhkan di workshop ini!
This workshop is delivered by APU Malaysia X Education Republic.
Event Details :
- Date: 28 March 2023
- Tima: 4.00 - 5.30 PM (WIB)
- Platform: Zoom Online (link dikirim by WA)
Live sharing Teknologi & Karir Masa depan
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Acara ini FREE & Online via zoom
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Highest Rated Universities in Malaysia, being rated at TIER 5 (EXCELLENT) under the SETARA Ratings by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).
Education Republic
Study Abroad Specialist Centre
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