[31 March 2024] Open Call for Bali Youth Representatives
Thematic Process
The thematic process is to share best practices and experiences, advocate for themes and specified topics, develop cooperative methods and partnerships on particular thematic solutions, influence the policy-making process, and commit to action with customized solutions to local and global water challenges. For the 10th World Water Forum, following sub-themes were proposed and participants discussed for the topics for each sub theme:
- Water Security and Prosperity
- Water for Humans and Nature
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
- Governance, Cooperation and Hydro-diplomacy
- Sustainable Water Finance
- Knowledge and Innovation
- Between age of 18-35 years old;
- A citizen or permanent resident of the country they represent with a valid passport and able to obtain visa from Indonesia as the host country;
- Possessing strong communication skills, including proficiency in English as the the working language of the Bali Youth Session;
- Committed to be available and actively participate in all Bali Youth Session agenda, both online (pre-event) and in-person [May 19th - 25th 2024];
- Submitting complete required applications: CV and motivation letter, in one pdf;
- Underrepresented communities, and historically marginalized groups, including gender, ethnicity, race, and people with disabilities are encouraged to join.
- Sponsored to attend the 10th World Water Forum, for: 1) return airplane fare from home country to Bali, Indonesia; 2) hotels for 6 nights; 3) official transportation during the forum
- Actively contribute and engage in Bali Youth Session to share their experiences & perspectives
- Access to dedicated workshops, networking events, and high-level dialogues with water leaders and stakeholders
- Open Submission: 20/21 – 27 March 2024
- Info Session: 25 March 2024
- Application Deadline: 31 March 2024
Link Pendaftaran: [KLIK DISINI]
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