[8 November 2024] Webinar The future of Planning: the role of big data & artificial intelligence in Urban and Regional Planning

Nov 6, 2024 - 08:14
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[8 November 2024] Webinar The future of Planning: the role of big data & artificial intelligence in Urban and Regional Planning

Program Studi Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (PWK), Departemen Interdisiplin Keteknikan, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia dengan bangga menyelenggarakan IDE Webinar Series dengan tema The Future Of Urban Cities: Trends In Digital Transformation and Net-Zero Cities Development
IDE Webinar series #02 Smart City & Digital Twin, membahas mengenai topik
The future of Planning: the role of big data & artificial intelligence in Urban and Regional Planning

IDE Webinar series ini akan dilaksanakan pada:
Jumat, 8 November 2024
10.00 AM Jakarta Time (14.00 PM Melbourne Time)
Zoom Meeting

Narasumber IDE Webinar Series #02 Smart City & Digital Twin:
1. Assoc Prof. Jagannath Aryal (Associate Professor, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne)
2. Assoc Prof. Ahmad Gamal, S.Ars., M.U.P., Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Graduate Program of Urban & Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering)

Moderator: Nadya Kamila, S.Ars., M. Ars (Head of Smart City Universitas Indonesia)

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