[15-19 dan 22-26 Januari 2024] Rigaku School for Practical Crystallography – 2024 edition

Dec 19, 2023 - 12:32
Jan 19, 2024 - 09:22
 0  59
[15-19 dan 22-26 Januari 2024] Rigaku School for Practical Crystallography – 2024 edition

We will be holding a Rigaku School for Practical Crystallography on basic topics in crystallography from January 15-19 and 22-26, 2024 from 0900-1030 CST. (Use this Time Zone converter to determine your local time.)

The majority of the time will be spent on small molecule crystallography. This is a great opportunity for people interested in crystallography to gain a basic foundation of single crystal analysis from a practical point of view.

We also recognize that some students may not be able to join the live lectures by Zoom. We will make recordings of the lessons available for download shortly after the lectures so that students can keep up with the School and take the exam in the same manner as those who attended the live lectures. However, in order to take the exam and receive a certificate of achievement, you will need to register for the School at the link above.

We hope that you both enjoy and gain something from this School and look forward to meeting you, virtually.

Visit this link to learn more about the program and lecturers.

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