[27-28 Agustus 2022] The 6th International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture ISoLEC 2022
![[27-28 Agustus 2022] The 6th International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture ISoLEC 2022](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202205/image_750x_62725a06f0106.jpg)
Call For Papers and Participation
The 6th International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 2022
Virtual Conference, Hosted by the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, it is an annual International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture held to gather researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students to identify and share various aspects in language, education, and culture
Theme: Embracing Changes and Innovations in Language, Education, Art, and Culture in Post-Pandemic Life
- Changes and Innovations in Language, Education, and Culture
- Changes and Innovations in Literature and Art
- Online Teaching and Learning Practices
- Corpus-Based Language, Teaching and Research
- Language in Media
- Gender and Identity
- Pop, Contemporary and Digital Culture
- Culture and Spirituality
- Multilingualism and Translanguaging
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Oral Tradition & Local Culture
- Digital Literacy and Information Science
*Presentations and Papers in English, German, Arabic, Mandarin, and Indonesian are welcomed
- Abstract submission deadline: 15 May 2022
- Notification of abstract acceptance: June 2, 2022
- Full paper submission deadline: July 27, 2022
- Registration and payment deadline: July 27, 2022
Abstract Submission:
- To submit an abstract, you need to register to the conference by creating an account though the system. Please note that you are required to have a Google account to register. Please create an account by clicking REGISTER and submit your abstract.
- The abstract can be written in English, Indonesian, Mandarin, German, and Arabic including the introduction, the aim of the study, method, results, conclusion, and keywords.
- The abstract should be no longer than 300 words.
- The keywords are 3 to 5 words, written in alphabetical order.
Full-paper Submission:
- We accept full-paper written in English, Indonesian, Mandarin, German, and Arabic for the ISSN proceedings based on the TEMPLATE.
- We accept full-paper written in ENGLISH only for the indexed proceedings based on the TEMPLATE.
- The full-paper should include Introduction, Literature Review (optional), Method, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (optional), and References.
- The paper should be submitted after the notification of abstract acceptance.
- Full-paper revision must be submitted through the author’s account no later than July 27, 2022.
- The full-paper submitted must be revised according to the reviewers’ suggestions.
- The paper template for both ISSN and indexed proceedings can be downloaded from the TEMPLATES DOWNLOAD Page. Paper example can also be downloaded from ISoLEC previous publication
- Please note that the whole submission process is conducted fully via online.
Note: You must have a Google account to register.
Ms. Karina (+6285781510835)
Mr. Titis (+6285755428638)
Email: isolec@um.ac.id
Website: http://isolec.um.ac.id/
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