[August 9th , 2024] Webinar Biotechnology and Metabolomic Application in Food and Health Research

Aug 2, 2024 - 19:50
Aug 2, 2024 - 19:51
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[August 9th , 2024] Webinar Biotechnology and Metabolomic Application in Food and Health Research

Biotechnology and Metabolomic Application in Food and Health Research

Advancements in biotechnology and metabolomics have significantly enhanced knowledge exchange in food and health research. These fields have accelerated chemical investigations through both biotechnological and non-biotech methods. Utilizing biotechnology and metabolomic analysis holds great potential for advancing health and food research, improving food safety, nutritional content, and innovation throughout the food supply chain.

Join us for the International Webinar Ngajitekprop #17, organized by the Research Center for Food Technology and Processing, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food - BRIN. This event will feature three experts discussing the current applications of biotechnology and metabolomics in food and health research.

The event will be held on :
Day, Date: Friday, August 9th , 2024
Time: 13.00 – 16.15 Indonesian Time (WIB)

Welcome Speech: 
Satriyo Krido Wahono, Ph.D.
(Head of Research Center for Food Technology and Processing - BRIN)

Keynote Speech: 
Puji Lestari, Ph.D.
(Head of Research Organization for Food and Agriculture - BRIN)

Speakers : 
Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Rahman Siregar, M.Biotech.
(Lecturer at Faculty of Biology, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia)
“Microbial bioprospecting in food and health”

Dr. rer. nat. Keshab Bhattarai, M.Sc.
(Researcher at Forschungzentrum Borstel, Leibniz Lungenzentrum, Germany)
“HRMS-based metabolomic on mining bioactive natural products”

Martha Purnami Wulanjati, M.Biotech
(Research Center for Food Technology and Processing)
“Functional characterization of strawberry malonyl transferase”

Moderator: Dr. rer. nat. Andri Frediansyah, M.Sc. (Researcher of Research Center for Food Technology and Processing - BRIN)

MC: Muntadliroh, M.A. (Public Relations BRIN)

Zoom link: [KLIK DISINI]

Meeting ID: 981 7242 0506
Passcode: 217274

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