[Conference | 25 - 26 Oktober 2023] 4th International Conference on Tropical Biology (ICTB) in conjunction with Food and Agriculture Summit (FAS) & the 5th International Conference on Marine Science (ICMS)

Jul 7, 2023 - 11:19
Oct 25, 2023 - 21:31
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[Conference | 25 - 26 Oktober 2023] 4th International Conference on Tropical Biology (ICTB) in conjunction with Food and Agriculture Summit (FAS) & the 5th International Conference on Marine Science (ICMS)

[Repost] 4th International Conference on Tropical Biology (ICTB) in conjunction with Food and Agriculture Summit (FAS) & the 5th International Conference on Marine Science (ICMS)


  • 4th International Conference on Tropical Biology (ICTB)

The conference will provide a forum for policy and decision makers, scientist and practitioners to share valuable lessons, to address challenges, to generate commitments in strengthening policy decisions, and to work collaboratively towards a sustainable and integrated regional development in Southeast Asia for a good quality of life based on the interdependence that exists between humans, other living species, and elements of nature.

  • Food and Agriculture Summit (FAS)

The conference is expected to bring about consensus or agreement among the participants on an agenda for advocacy actions on biodiversity enrichment, conservation and management; and to identify new approaches to and synchroneity between policies and practices that will form the framework to provide future direction for research and development in the sustainable management of biodiversity conservation through: Development of Asia Biodiversity Network (ABN), Agreement of Biodiversity Platform, and Publishment of scientific publication.

  • 5th International Conference on Marine Science

Indonesia's coastal and oceanic areas hold abundant biodiversity, such as fisheries, mangroves, and coral reefs, yet their potential is not maximized. The physical processes and dynamics of Indonesia's oceans regulate the distribution of marine biodiversity and ecosystems, including the Indonesian Throughflow and complex topography. The marine and fisheries sector has significant potential for sustainable development but is facing serious anthropogenic pressure and climate change. Adapting to these changes requires collaboration and innovation between researchers from various disciplines in the marine sciences. The International Conference on Marine Sciences (ICMS) provides a platform for such collaboration and innovation.


  • Themes for the 4th ICTB: ASEAN Education-23 for Global Connection: Enriching Biodiversity Inspiring People

Sub Theme 1: Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism This subtheme discusses the best practice of Agrotourism, Ecotourism, Edutourism and those combination as an educational model to promote biodiversity conservation and examining the social, economic, and ecological aspects of Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism at a number of scales, and including regions from around the world, specifically in Southeast Asia. This subtheme considers abstract/articles that investigates planning, development, evaluation, risk management, and the best practices of Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism in various scales.

Sub Theme 2: Biodiversity for Food Stock This subtheme discusses the potential and sustainable use of biodiversity for food stock. This subtheme considers abstract/articles that investigates bioprospecting, food technology, food processing, food diversification, food security, and food safety in various aspects, such as policies, implementations, and risk management.

Sub Theme 3: Ecological and Climate change This subtheme discusses several ecological aspects on terrestrial, marine, and freshwater that investigates ecosystem adaptations or responses to anthropogenic climate change. The scope of the subtheme will include issues like range shifts/invasions, novel ecological communities, ecophysiology (drought, wildfires, etc) and phenology (migration, reproduction, and asynchronicity), and a wide range of methodological approaches to describing spatial and temporal complexity will be encouraged.

Sub Theme 4: Bioengineering and Conservation This subtheme discusses the advance research on Bioengineering that promotes biodiversity conservation. The scope of this themes will include issues on bioprocess, biosystem engineering, bioinformatics, biomolecular, tissue and cell engineering, genetic engineering, molecular and synthetic biology, nano-technology, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, and biochemical engineering.

Sub Theme 5: Biodiversity Literacy and Education This subtheme discusses the enrichment of literacy and education on Biodiversity. This subtheme considers abstract/articles that investigates the model of educational practice, curriculum development, knowledge management, learning evaluation techniques, and educational prototype development in various stage of education (basic, intermediate, and higher education).

  • Themes for the 3rd FAS: ASEAN Food System 2050: Sustainability and Resilience

Sub Theme 1: Food Chain and Economic Instruments

Sub Theme 2: Gender and Food Security

Sub Theme 3: Climate and environmental change

Sub Theme 4: Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Sub Theme 5: Smallholders’ Equity and Equality

  • Themes for the 5th ICMS: Ocean Health Resilience 2050: Innovative Science and Technology Solution

Sub Theme 1: Ocean Health and Marine Eco-Biology

Sub Theme 2: Biodiversity and Environmental-Biomonitoring

Sub Theme 3: Climate Change Oceanography

Sub Theme 4: Marine Remote sensing and GIS

Sub Theme 5: Acoustic, Instrumentation, Underwater robotics

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