November Virtual Summer School "Validation Method in Spectrometry and Chromatography"

Oct 3, 2021 - 23:32
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November Virtual Summer School "Validation Method in Spectrometry and Chromatography"

1. Selasa, 2 November 2021 | 09.30 - 15.00 WIB (GMT+7)

Sesi 1: Dr. Dwiarso Rubiyanto (Essential Oils as Natural Products)

Sesi 2: Dr. Tatang Shabur J. (Various Types of an Essential Oils)

Sesi 3: Dr. Habibi Hidayat (Bioactivity Aspects of Essential Oils)

Sesi 4: Rudy Syahputra, Ph.D. (Analysis of Essential Oils-Based Products - Instrumentation and International Standardization Aspects)

2. Rabu, 3 November 2021 | 10.00 - 14.30 WIB (GMT+7)

Sesi 1: Prof. Riyanto, Ph.D. (Quality Improvement of Essential Oils)

Sesi 2: Essential Oils Practitioner (Post Harvest Treatment of Essential Oils Producing Plants)

Sesi 3: Argo Khoirul A, M.Sc. dan Dhina Fitriastuti, M.Sc. (Distillation, Extraction, and Expression of Essential Oils)

Sesi 4: CEOS (Center of Essential Oils Studies) (Laboratory Virtual Tour)

3. Kamis, 4 November 2021 | 10.00 - 14.30 WIB (GMT+7)

Sesi 1: Dr. Noor Fitri, M.Si. (Essential Oils-Based Products - Laboratory Scale Research)

Sesi 2: Essential Oils Industry (Essential Oils-Based Products - Industrial Scale-Up)

Sesi 3: Nahar Cahyandaru (Special Issues of Essential Oils in Borobudur Temple Conservation)

Sesi 4: Prof. Is Fatimah, CEOS, dan Chemistry Department Team (Closing Remarks and Video of Research Activity in CEOS and all about Department of Chemistry)

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