[September 20, 2023] The 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Education (ICSSE 2023)
![[September 20, 2023] The 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Education (ICSSE 2023)](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202308/image_870x_64d1ca40d3064.jpg)
Postgraduate of Civic Education Dept., Sebelas Maret University
Proudly Presents
The 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Education (ICSSE 2023)
September 20, 2023
*"Social Cohesion Post-Pandemic
*Keynote Speakers:*
Dr. Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria (University of Brunei Darussalam)*
*Prof. Triyanto (Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia)*
*Dr. Nguyen Thi Do Quyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam)*
*Dr. Mohammad Ismath Ramzy (University of Malaya, Malaysia)*
*Dr. Winarno (Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia)*
*Save the date*
*Abstract Submission:*August 15, 2023*
*Early Bird Registration:*July 20, 2023*
*Regular Registration:*July 30, 2023*
*Notifications of Acceptances:*August 10, 2023*
*Conference Date:*September 20, 2023*
*Full Paper Submission:*October 20, 2023*
Zoom Cloud Meeting
*Registration Fees Presenter:*
Early Bird *500k (50 USD)*
Reguler *800k (80 USD)*
*Registration Non Presenter:*
Early Bird *80k (7 USD)*
Regular *100k (12 USD)*
Transfer :
*BNI 1173213538 (ICSSE COMMITTE)*
What will you get ❓
useful knowledge
Let's register now!!!
❗ *Limited quota*❗
⛔ Open for public⛔
For more information
[email protected]
0859-4593-8001 (Suryaningsih)
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