[September 2022] 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation

Apr 6, 2022 - 06:49
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[September 2022] 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation

5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation

Conference Date. 28 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2022


Commemoration 15 years of the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake with more than 6200 deaths,one of the deadliest earthquake in Indonesia

Indonesia lies between the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Alpide belt that runs along the south and west from Sumatra, Java, Bali, Flores to Timor. Many strong earthquakes have occurred in Indonesia during the last decades and caused many casualties and damages on the infrastructures and lifeline facilities.

Among others, Yogyakarta Earthquake on 27 May 2006, magnitude of 6,2 Mw, depth 10 km, with 6234 deaths, more than 154,000 houses destroyed and 260,000 units experiencing damage, Aceh Earthquake & Tsunami on 26 December 2016, undersea megathrust earthquake, the third-largest ever recorded in the 21st century with magnitude of 9.1–9.3 Mw, depth 30 km below mean sea level, Lombok Earthquake on August 5 2018 with 563 dead and 1000 injured, magnitude of 6,9 Mw, depth 31 km, Palu Earthquake & Tsunami on 28 September 2018, a shallow, large earthquake with 4,340 dead and 10,679 injured, magnitude of 7.5 Mw, depth 20 km, and Mamuju Erthquake on 15 January 2021 with 108 dead and 3,369 injured, magnitude of 6,2 Mw, depth 18 km.

This conference is held to provide an opportunity to share experiences, disseminate the latest research and development results related to earthquake engineering, which will be very useful for increasing knowledge and disaster mitigation policies. It is hoped that this conference will be beneficial for all parties in order to minimize the risk of earthquake hazards in Indonesia and throughout the world.

+ Abstract Guidelines and Template File can be downloaded here
Paper Guidelines and Template File can be downloaded here

 For more information and registration: 5th ICEEDM Website


Prof. Koichi Kusunoki* (under confirmation)
Secretary General IAEE (Intenational Association of Earthquake Engineering), Japan

Prof. Jonathan D. Bray
University of California, Berkeley, USA

Prof. Tony Yang
University of British Columbia, Canada

Prof. Hitoshi Tanaka
Tohoku University, Japan

Prof. Chung-Che Chou
National Taiwan University, National Center Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan

Prof. Rajib Shaw
Keio University, Japan

Prof. I Wayan Sengara
IEEA, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

Prof. Bambang Suhendro
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Structural Engineering

Prof. Krishna S. Pribadi
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Earthquake Disaster Management


Ir. Diana Kusumastuti* (under confirmation)
Dirjen Cipta Karya, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing

Prof. H. Sarwidi
Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB)

Prof. Iman Satyarno

Prof. Priyo Suprobo

Dr. Eng. Febrin Ismail 
AARGI Sumbar, Unand

Dr. Sugeng Wijayanto

Dr. Dong-Joo Kim
Korea Authority of Land & Infrastructure Safety (KALIS), Korea

Dr. Irwanda Laory
University of Warwick, United Kingdom


  1. New Directions of Earthquake Engineering Technology
  2. Structural Earthquake Engineering
  3. Structural Dynamics
  4. Performance-Based Design and Evaluation
  5. Case Histories in Recent Earthquakes
  6. Structural Assessment and Retrofit
  7. Experimental & Numerical Modelling
  8. Seismic Devices and Applications
  9. Retrofit of Historical Heritage Building
  10. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
  11. Seismic Micro-zonation
  12. Soil Structure Interaction
  13. Seismic Hazard and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation
  14. Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction & Management
  15. Early Warning System
  16. Post Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
  17. Non-engineered Buildings
  18. Current Indonesian Design Codes & Guidelines


Abstract Submission Deadline - March 31, 2022 Extended time until April 21, 2022

Abstract Acceptance Notification - April 30, 2022

Full Paper Submission - June 30, 2022

Full Paper Acceptance Notification - July 31, 2022

Conference - September 28-29, 2022

Short Course - September 30, 2022



+62-274-546541, 546542

+62-813 9110 0116

[email protected]

In-person and Virtual Conference, SGLC Building, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
28 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2022
Paper Submission
13 Feb 2022 - 21 Apr 2022

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