[September 26th, 2024] Webinar Chemical hazards: transfer from the environment to the food cycle

Sep 21, 2024 - 21:02
Sep 28, 2024 - 18:43
 0  23
[September 26th, 2024] Webinar Chemical hazards: transfer from the environment to the food cycle

Research Center for Food Technology and Processing, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, organizing International Webinar NgajiTekProP #18Chemical hazards: transfer from the environment to the food cycle

The ocean and land are crucial food sources for living organisms, including humans. Despite its vital roles, the ocean often serves as the final disposal of hazardous elements from either anthropogenic or geogenic activities.

The exposure of contaminants into the food cycle is a significant concern in public health as it directly links to the safety of humans from seafood consumption. How it affects food safety, especially from the ocean source, became the topic of this webinar.

The event will be held on :
Day, Date: Thursday, September 26th, 2024
Time: 09.00 – 11.30 Western Indonesian Time (WIB)

Welcome Speech: 
Satriyo Krido Wahono, Ph.D.
(Head of Research Center for Food Technology and Processing - BRIN)

Keynote Speech: 
Puji Lestari, Ph.D.
(Head of Research Organization for Food and Agriculture - BRIN)

Speakers : 
Prof. Ross Thompson
(Director, Centre for Applied Water Science, University of Canberra)
“Weaving ecosystem function and Indigenous values into agricultural landscapes in Australia”

Tuti Hartati Siregar, Ph.D
(Research Center for Food Technology and Processing)
“Arsenic in human food: How much do you consume daily?”

Moderator: Radestya Triwibowo, Ph.D
(Researcher of Research Center for Food Technology and Processing - BRIN)

MC: Kapat Yuriawan, S.I.Kom., M.Si (Public Relations BRIN)

Zoom link: [CLICK HERE]
Meeting ID: 954 8843 2795
Passcode: 314064

Live streaming in Youtube BRIN Indonesia
E-Certificates are available for participants

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