[5-6 Nov 2022] The 2nd Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Conference (BBC) 2021 | Masyarakat Bioinformatika dan Biodiversitas Indonesia (MABBI) and AKADEMISI Team
The 2nd Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Conference (BBC) 2021
"Applied Bioinformatics in Molecular Medicine and Conservation Biology"
2nd Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Conferences (BBC) is the annual conference to support the development of bioinformatics research in Indonesia. BBC is organized by the Masyarakat Bioinformatika dan Biodiversitas Indonesia (MABBI) and AKADEMISI Team. This conference was initiated by bioinformatics communities to accelerate the development of computational science, biodiversity research and related studies in Indonesia. Recently, Bioinformatics research is becoming more popular and many scientific papers have been published from Indonesian researchers. Discussions of new findings or methods will be facilitated in this event.
This program encourages researchers from multidiscipline areas to have a collaboration. Merging basic and applied sciences to solve the complex issues related to medical, environmental and omics areas. Computational approach and synthetic biology could be useful for accelerating research in Indonesia.
The event also accommodates the annual meeting for bioinformaticians in Indonesia and provides special event for university students to globally spread their ideas or prototype of their products related to bioinformatics area. With no doubt, this will be the first biggest event of Bioinformatics in Indonesia and invite all researchers to enhance the development of bioinformatics by joining this annual scientific meeting.
Keynote Speakers
- Associate Professor, LEE Guat Lay Caroline (Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS, Singapore) - Topic: Pharmacogenomics;
- Professor Ka-Lok NG, Ph.D. (Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan) - Topic: Graph Theory, Machine Learning, and Text Mining Techniques for Bioinformatics Research;
- Satria Kautsar, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Associate, Scripps Research Institute, Florida, USA);
- Victor C. Kok (郭集慶) MMedSc, MD, PhD, FACP, PGCert-HICR (Harvard) (Medical director, Kuang Tien General Hospital Cancer Center, Taichung, Taiwan; Asst. Prof., Asia University Taiwan; Associate Editor, Cancer Medicine (WILEY); Senior Internist. Active member, AACR) - Topic: The Application of Clinical Informatics in Population-Health and Cancer Research; and
- Prof. Ashwani Pareek (Executive of NABI)
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology of Molecular Structure, Function and Evolution [Evolution, Phylogeny, Comparative Genomics; Protein/RNA Structure, Function and Interactions; 3D genome];
- Computational Systems Biology [Pathway Analysis; Biological Network Analysis; Interactomics; Gene Expression and Regulation; Post-translational Modifications; Alternative Splicing; Non-coding RNA Analysis];
- Next Generation Sequencing and High-throughput Methods [Next-Gen Sequencing; Microarray Data Analysis; SNPs and Haplotype Analysis, GWAS, Personalized Genomics; Transcriptomics; Metabolomics; Proteomics; Epigenomics];
- Cheminformatics and pharmacogenomics [Cheminformatics and Computer-Aided Drug Design; Molecular Docking; Molecular Modeling; Pharmacogenomics];
- Cross-Cutting Computational Methods and Bioinformatics of Disease [Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence; Big Data Analytics; High Performance Computing; Information Retrieval, Ontologies, Natural Language Processing, and Text Mining; Data Visualization; Computational Modeling and Data Integration; Precision Medicine; Genome-Phenome Analysis; Biomarker Discovery; Pathogen bioinformatics];
- Biomedical and Health Informatics [Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence; Big Data Analytics; Information Retrieval, Ontologies, Natural Language Processing, and Text Mining; Biomedical Image Analysis; Biomedical Signal Analysis; Healthcare Knowledge Representation & Reasoning; Data Visualization; Data Interoperability and Health Information Exchange; Human-computer Interaction and Human Factors; Clinical and Health Information Systems; Consumer Informatics and Personal Health Records; Electronic Medical/Health Records and Standards; Mobile Health; Clinical Decision Support];
- Biodiversity Area [Climate change; Ecosystem and biodiversity; Metagenomics; Microbiome; Tropical Biodiversit; Coastal and Marine biodiversity; Plant biodiversity; Animal biodiversity; Threats to biodiversity; Microbial Ecology; Wildlife loss; Ethno-botanical diversity; Phylogenetic study; Genetic biodiversity; Forestry; Environmental Toxicology; Entomology; Biodiversity management]
- Computational Biology and Chemistry (Scopus Q3)
- International Journal Bioautomation (Scopus Q3)
- Pan African Medical Journal (Scopus Q3)
- Journal of Tropical Life Science (Scopus Q4)
- Biodiversitas Journal (Scopus Q4)
- NST Proceeding (International Proceeding)
Important Dates
- Regular Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 November 2021
- Maximum Abstract Accepted Notification: 20 November 2021
- Conference Date: 27-28 November 2021
- Fullpaper submission: 28 December 2021
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