[2-4 Agustus 2023] The 10th International Conference of Sensors (Asiasense) 2023

Jan 26, 2023 - 23:44
Jan 26, 2023 - 23:44
 0  578
[2-4 Agustus 2023] The 10th International Conference of Sensors (Asiasense) 2023

 [Repost] The 10th International Conference of Sensors (Asiasense) 2023

ASIASENSE is a highly prestigious international conference that brings researchers throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas and applications in vast fields of sensors. The conference has grown to become one of the key sensor conferences in Asia since 2003.

The previous AsiaSense conferences were held successfully in different Asian countries including Malaysia (2003, 2013), Indonesia (2005, 2015), Philippines (2007, 2018), Thailand (2009), Korea (2011) and Malaysia (2021). AsiaSense 2023 is jointly organized by Malaysian Society of Sensor Technology Development (SENSOR MALAYSIA) and Nano Center Indonesia (NCI). This conference will focus on the latest innovations in sensors with the theme “Sensor Beyond Boundary”.

It is our pleasure to invite all scientists, academicians, young researchers, business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the Asiasense Conference on Sensors and Sensing Technology will be held in Bali, Indonesia on 2nd -4th August, 2023. We sincerely hope that AsiaSense 2023 will serve as an international platform for meeting researchers from around the world, which will help researchers expand their professional network and create new opportunities including establishing new collaborations.

Asiasense Conference 2023 provides a platform of international standards where you can discuss and share persuasive key advances in Sensors and Sensing Technology. In addition to Presentations, Workshops, and Discussions, the conference also offers a unique venue for renewing professional relationships, networking and for remaining up-to-date variations in our challenging and expanding discipline.

Asiasense Conference 2023 not only increased the number of opportunities for you to network with colleagues from across the world but also introduced more focused sessions that will feature cutting edge presentations, special panel discussions, and livelier interaction with industry leaders and experts.

We’re looking forward to an excellent meeting with scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Sensors and Sensing Technology.

Important Date

  • 27th May 2023: Deadline Abstract Early Bird Registration
  • 17th June 2023: Acceptance Notification
  • 30th June 2023: Online Registration
  • 15th July 2023: Participant Registration Accepted Abstract
  • 27th July 2023: Payment Deadline
  • 1st August 2023: Payment Dealine On the Spot
  • 2nd – 4th August 2023: ASIASENSE 2023


All accepted papers will be published in:

  • Indonesian Journal of Material Science (IJMS) : Batan
  • Journal of Smart Sensor and Materials : ASIASENSE

More information


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