[Conference | 18 - 19 Oktober 2023] The 3rd International Conference of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (ICATAM)

Jun 14, 2023 - 10:58
Oct 25, 2023 - 21:29
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[Conference | 18 - 19 Oktober 2023] The 3rd International Conference of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (ICATAM)

[Repost] The 3rd International Conference of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (ICATAM)

Foreword from the Chair

Technology has revolutionized our world and daily lives. Technology shapes the future and aids in generating a future compatible with nature. It can help us to evolve green energy, transport with less emissions and low-energy houses to recover resources. We cannot proceed with everything using technology without considering its outcome to society. It is crucial to bear in mind how important the equilibrium status is, the effort to preserve the planet and mankind in the middle of technology rapid use. This signifies making technology as positive as possible for humanity and the environment in the long run.

Faculty of Advance Technology and Multidiscipline Universitas Airlangga envy to take the role of being at forefront formulation of engineering and advanced technology roles. In this year through the 3rd International Conference of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (ICATAM) as scientific virtual platform bring together academia, researchers, engineers, governments, non-governmental organizations, private sectors, industries and consultants in the world to connect, collaborate, and discuss all in the safe frame and implementing physical distance.

This conference will accommodate broad topics in engineering and advanced technology research. Conferences will discuss Power System, Control Systems, Renewable Energy Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, Optimization & System Engineering, Human Factors & Ergonomics, Supply Chain & Logistic Management, Waste Processing/ Waste Treatment, Pollutant Removal, Applied Chemistry, Nano Medicine, Sensor, Artificial Intelligence, Health Informatics, Robotics & Mechatronics, Computer Vision, Data mining, Human Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Deep Learning, Internet Of Things, Natural Language Processing, Learning Analytics & technologies and Machine Learning. This virtual event will also include seminar material from the experts as speakers. Furthermore, this event is designed to facilitate academia, researchers, engineers, and consultants to share and discuss various studies, in an international atmosphere with oral sessions. We also encourage students to present the results of their research.


  • Intelligent Power and Control Engineering
  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technology
  • Digital Health, Computational Learning and Intelligent Systems
  • Robotics and Mechatronics
  • Data Driven Decision Support Systems
  • Human Factor and System Engineering
  • Advanced Manufacturing and Computational Approach
  • Nanotechnology and Nano-medicine
  • Environment and Food Technology

Important Dates

  • July 19th 2023: Abstract Submission Deadline
  • July 31st 2023 Notification for Acceptance August
  • 19th 2023 Full Paper Submission Deadline August
  • 31st 2023 Early Bird Registration September
  • 30th 2023 Regular Registration
  • October 1st 2023 Camera Ready Paper
  • October 18 - 19th 2023 Conference Day

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