![[19-20 Juli 2022] 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC FINANCE AND BUSINESS (ICIFEB)](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/2022/04/image_750x_6264ec5bae745.jpg)
International Conference of Islamic Finance and Business (ICIFEB) is an international event organized by Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (FEB UIN Jakarta). This international event is held regularly with the aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in form of proceeding and scientific journal publication. In addition, this event can be used as a means of developing international networks.
Theme: Achieving Sustainability Through Islamic Finance and Business Digital Transformation
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: April 1 – May 30, 2022
Acceptance Notification: (Started From) April 8, 2022
Full Paper Submission Deadline: June 30, 2022
Payment Confirmation Deadline: June 30, 2022
Conference Date: July 19-20, 2022
Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. Amilin, S.E., Ak., M.Si., CA., QIA., BKP., CRMP. (Scopus ID: 57191497861)
- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Si. (Scopus ID: 57200389941)
- Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, M.M. (Scopus ID: 57204309039)
- Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, M.S. (Scopus ID: 57225326468)
- Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag. (Scopus ID: 57201469983)
- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Said, M.Ag. (Scopus ID: 57203177236
- Dr. Ibnu Qizam, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA. (Scopus ID: 57200070162)
- Dr. Arief Mufraini, Lc., M.Si. (Scopus ID: 57202437801)
- Dr. Rini, S.E., Ak. M.Si., CA. (Scopus ID: 57216338533
- Dr. Titi Dewi Warninda, S.E. (Scopus ID: 57211064615)
- Dr. Taridi Kasbi Ridho, S.E., MBA. (Scopus ID: 57191727631)
- Rizqon Halal Syah Aji, ,M.Si.,Ph.D. (Scopus ID: 57215927590)
- Dr. Riris Aishah Prasetyowati, SE., M.M. (Scopus ID: 57200163858)
- Dr. Faizul Mubarok, M.M. (Scopus ID: 57224403630)
- Dr. Lukman, M.Si.
- ALL ACCEPTED abstracts will be published in a conference proceeding e-book with ISBN
- SELECTED full papers will recommend being published in reputable international journals indexed by SCOPUS / DOAJ / Copernicus / Google Scholar / Dimension and Scopus Index Proceeding
- Other journals affiliated with the conference:
- ETIKONOMI, focused on Economics, Business, and Management in Developing Countries Studies, indexed by Emerging Sources of Citation Index, CrossRef, Dimensions, Sinta (S1), Goggle Scholar, Garuda-Dikti, Moraref, Indonesia One Search, ISJD LIPI, ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), etc.
- SIGNIFIKAN, focused on Economic Development in Developing Countries, indexed by Ulrich Periodical Database, CrossRef, Sinta (S2), Moraref, Indonesia One Search, Google Scholar, etc.
- ESENSI, focused on Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance and Management studies, indexed by Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), CrossRef, Sinta (S2), Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Moraref, Sinta, Indonesia One Search, ISJD LIPI, etc.
- AKUNTABILITAS, focused on Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Sharia Accounting, Auditing, Taxation in particular, and Accounting Studies in general, indexed by CrossRef, Sinta (S4), Indonesia One Search-National Library of Indonesia, Google Scholar, Indonesia Scientific Journal Database, Portal Garuda.
- Other affiliated journals.
Registration Fees
Participant/Paper | |
Local | IDR 1.000.000 |
International | USD 100 |
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