[29-30 Juli 2022] The 9th International Conference on Research Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science (ICRIEMS)

Apr 27, 2022 - 02:37
Aug 2, 2022 - 14:58
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[29-30 Juli 2022] The 9th International Conference on Research Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science (ICRIEMS)

The 9th International Conference on Research Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science

Education is a right that every individual must own in order to increase their potential in various aspects that are beneficial for themselves, their family, society, and others. At this time, it is important for us to connect formal education and non-formal education, bridging the two for obtaining the maximum results. Non-formal education is as important as formal education, which is to develop potential with more specific knowledge and skills.

The 9th International Conference on Research Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science is an annual international seminar organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, which aims to explore new directions of interdisciplinary knowledge and connections to the most influential ideas and innovations in education and research. The 9th ICREIEM purpose is to provide a platform for academics, practitioners, researchers, students and stakeholders to identify and explore problems, opportunities, and solutions regarding developing a blend of formal and non-formal learning and innovative research synergies in today's era.

This year ICRIEMS' theme will be "A blend of innovation in Future Education, Research Synergies, and Collaborative Landscapes" as a contribution to research-led exploration and discussion of information technology and intelligent systems today, developments, and emerging states.

Important Dates
Registration & Full Paper Submission
    Batch 1: April 30, 2022
    Batch 2: May 31, 2022
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance
    Batch 1: April 21, 2022
    Batch 2: June 13, 2022
Non-presenter registration June 13, 2022
Conference Day 29 - 30 July 2022
Notification of Publication Acceptance August 30, 2022
Camera Ready Submission September 15, 2022

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Jl Colombo No 1 Karangmalang Sleman

Yogyakarta Indonesia

Conference Venue

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Jl Colombo No 1 Karangmalang Sleman
Yogyakarta Indonesia

Contact Person

Kintan Limiansi(Registration)

Titi Mulyani, S.Si (General)

Email : [email protected]

Website: http://icriems.uny.ac.id/

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