[1-3 Oktober 2022] The 2022 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS)
Call for Papers – ICACSIS 2022
The 14th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) 2022
October 1-3, 2022 (ONLINE)
The 2022 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) provides an international forum that brings together those who are actively involved in the field of Computer Science and Information Systems.
The International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) since its first edition has been a successful international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners to report on up-to-the-minute innovation and development in the area of computer science and information systems. The forum aims to foster fruitful exchanges of ideas and advances in both areas, charting the frontier of the state of the art and facilitating the emergence of new research directions for the scientific community.
The 14th edition of ICACSIS will be hosted virtually by the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia on October 1-3, 2022. We invite full paper submissions containing novel contributions on theory, methodologies, and practical applications in the areas of computer science and information systems, including, but not limited to the following technical areas:
Information Management & Governance
E-Business and E-Commerce
Enterprise Architecture Design and Management
Information Quality Assurance
IS/IT Operations Management
IS/IT Organization and Human Resource Management
IS/IT Strategic Planning
IT Governance
IT Investment Analysis
IT Project Management
IT Risk Analysis
Software Engineering
Software Requirements Engineering
Software Design and Architecture
Software Development Methodologies
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Software Verification and Formal Methods
Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Bio-inspired and Evolutionary Computing
Soft Computing and Fuzzy Systems
Multiagent Systems
Knowledge-based Systems
Natural Language Processing
Speech, Image, and Signal Processing
Multimodal Information Retrieval
Semantic Web, Open Data, and Ontology
Human-Computer Interaction
User Experience Design and Evaluation
User Behavior Analysis
Brain-computer Interfaces
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Social Computing
Crowdsourcing Technologies
Computer Systems & Networks
Computer Architecture
Computer Networks
High Performance Computing
Infrastructure Systems and Services
Internet of Things
Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis
Embedded Systems and Control
Smart Sensor Networks
Cross-Fields Application
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications
Biometric Application
Cultural Heritage Application
Computer-aided Learning
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission:
June 12, 2022 (Round 1) | July 10, 2022 (Round 2) at 23:59 Hawaii Time
Notification of acceptance:
July 3, 2022 (Round 1) | August 14, 2022 (Round 2)
Camera-Ready Paper Submission:
August 15, 2022 (Round 1) | September 4, 2022 (Round 2)
ICACSIS 2022 Main Event:
October 1-3, 2022
Authors are invited to submit papers electronically via the system found at the conference website (https://icacsis.cs.ui.ac.id/). All submissions must comply with IEEE proceedings 2-column format. Both LaTeX and Word templates together with detailed submission instructions can be accessed at the website.
Submissions are due by June 12, 2022 (Round 1) and July 10, 2022 (Round 2) at 23.59 Hawaii Time (HST). The normal page limit of all submissions is 6 pages, including references, though submissions not exceeding 10 pages may still be accepted. The conference imposes an additional fee of US$ 50 per page exceeding the normal page limit. Submission should be done in PDF format with a size not exceeding 3MB. At least one author of every accepted paper is required to register and present the paper at the conference. ICACSIS 2022 reserves the right to exclude any accepted paper from the proceedings if none of the authors of the paper present the paper at the conference.
ICACSIS 2022 employs a double-blind reviewing process (reviewers do not know the author’s identity or vice versa). The authors should ensure that their identity never appears anywhere in the submitted paper. (Identity of the authors is still required by the submission system, but shall never be revealed to the reviewers). In particular, the first page of the paper should contain the title and abstract, but not the names or affiliations of the authors. Acknowledgments of funding or assistance should be omitted. References to the authors’ own work should be done in the third person. For example, rather than using “In our earlier work [3], we have shown that …”, the following sentence form should be used: “Previously, Setiawan and Krisnadhi [3] have shown that … “. If the paper is accepted, all those identifying information can be added back to the camera-ready version of the paper.
Proceedings of ICACSIS 2011 – 2021 have been included in the IEEE Xplore database and indexed by Scopus. All ICACSIS 2022 accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.
For more details concerning submissions, registration, and other related information, please visit the conference website at https://icacsis.cs.ui.ac.id/front/#
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