[September 2022] Hybrid Conference | The 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education
![[September 2022] Hybrid Conference | The 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education](https://solusiriset.com/uploads/images/202205/image_750x_627c590d832db.jpg)
Hybrid Conference | The 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education | Innovative Research of Mathematics and Mathematics Education to Face the 4th Industrial Revolution Challenges
After success organizing the fifth International Conference of Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E) in 2021, Mathematics Department FMIPA UNP will be held the 6th ICM2E in 2022. The conference presents on behalf of challenges in globalization era that increased sharply led to the dynamics of life which have massive effects on the development of information and technology. It has big impact on the development of science, especially mathematics and mathematics education. Therefore the researchers and practitioners must do research which is up to date to the future needs. Along with the fast development of some issues in education, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science and statistics, we should effort in pursuing sustainable development as well as its outlook on the future. Therefore this conference will be held in the theme "Innovative Research of Mathematics and Mathematics Education to Face the 4th Industrial Revolution Challenges". ICM2E 2022 is a hybrid conference with offline conference in Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Padang and online conference by Zoom Meeting.
- Prof. Paulo Canas Rodrigues, Ph.D. (The Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)
- Dr. John Willison (The University of Adelaide, Australia)
- Prof. Hadi Susanto (Khalifa University, Abu Dabhi, UAE)
- Dr. Goh Khang Wen (INTI International University, Malaysia)
- Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzan, M.Pd, M.Sc (Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia)
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Mathematics education
- Computer sciences
Important dates
- Deadline for abstract submission: August, 14th 2022
- Information for abstract acceptance: August, 21st 2022
- Deadline for Fullpaper submission: September, 07th 2022
- Registration closed: August, 28th 2022
- Conference day: September, 3rd - 4th 2022
More information
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